Financial Joy Academy (FJA) is a step-by-step behaviour change membership program that we’ve created to help you achieve Financial Freedom because we believe no one should be poor due to financial illiteracy.
It is a unique mix of classes by us and guest experts, tailored Success Paths, bi-weekly coaching calls, daily Lunch Time Club, an inspiring and supportive community of ‘Dream Makers’, monthly masterminds and accountability.
FJA has been created to help you at all stages to take action, get practical knowledge, and support to stay motivated to reach Financial Freedom faster.
Please read our FAQs before joining FJA.
FJA is not for everyone.
It has been created for motivated employees, aspiring entrepreneurs or self-employed business owners.
We refer to our members as Dream Makers, with a focus on learning, working hard, taking action and having fun.
In all, FJA is here to help you create a desirable life of Financial Freedom for your family.
If this sounds exciting to you, then we’d love you to join us.
We’re able to spend more time with our children, travel and have unique experiences as they grow.
Plus, we’re able to work from anywhere in the world although based in London.
If we ever stop working, our assets continue to make us enough money to cover all our monthly expenses.
This is exactly the financially independent life that we want to teach you how to build.
We have created FJA to be your affordable life learning platform.
We’ll support you personally, together with our community of fellow Dream Makers.
Are you ready to take action and start?
We have more than 70 classes at FJA.
Gain access to ALL our current and future classes (24/7), co-created with experts as Action Plans to give you the knowledge you need to make more money, invest, etc.
Live access to Ken & Mary and guest experts through bi-weekly 1-hour group coaching calls. These will be ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions, with questions submitted weekly in advance by you and other Dream Makers.
Access to our private custom community of fellow Dream Makers for genuine support, help, motivation, and inspiration from others also on the journey. In addition, you can join different “Groups” based on your interests and goals.
Join The Lunch Time Club daily at 1 pm (London Time) to learn and improve your mindset. Each day has a different theme e.g.. Monday MBA, Mindset and Wellbeing Tuesday, Wisdom Wednesday, Book Club Thursday and Accountability Friday.
We’ve created step-by-step and tailored Success Paths to help you achieve two outcomes. Firstly, to help you move towards Financial freedom no matter where you’re now on the Money Journey, and secondly, Income Success Paths to help you create multiple income streams. This gives you focus and removes overwhelm.
At FJA, Masterminds are monthly group meetings online focused on achieving particular goals. For FJA Basic and FJA Plus members, we have community masterminds groups for Property Investing, Blogging, and YouTube. We also have an additional VIP Mastermind Coaching for FJA VIP Members.
To help you truly take action, we will give you ongoing accountability through class Action Plans, member-to-member accountability partnerships three times a year, periodic challenges, and weekly accountability check-ins.
Meet other Dream Makers online and in person (up to three times a year) to network, share ideas, collaborate, stay inspired and motivated through shared stories and practical lived experiences.
Enjoy interviews and classes from experts in niche areas such as creating and growing online businesses, property investing, financial planning, marketing, investing, side hustles, wealth creation, career maximisation, etc.
Sunday Times Bestselling Authors of Financial Joy and Award-winning creators of The Humble Penny. Ken and Mary achieved Financial Independence aged 34 including mortgage free in 7 years.
Ken has helped to create and grow high growth entrepreneurial business including 14 years experience in the investment business. He’s a Chartered Accountant (ACA, ICAEW) and holds an MBA from University of Cambridge, Judge Business School. He’s also a former CFO and has helped to co-create various family businesses.
Mary is an entrepreneur, skilled marketer and creative with experience in everything from setting up childcare businesses to video production and successful product launches. She studied Multimedia Technology and Design.
Together as a happily married couple, Ken and Mary run FJA with their team whilst also raising children.
Here is the investment. Simply choose your payment option below and click the button to begin your adventure:
DIY access to all Courses and Masterclasses plus Step-by-Step Workbook Action Plan.
FJA Success Path Framework.
Secure payment via Visa, Mastercard, or American Express
*Prices do not include VAT.
Recurring payment
Hassle Free
Cancel any time
FJA Success Path Framework.
Group coaching calls every 2 weeks (plus backlog of previous coaching calls)
Community Masterminds (run by Dream Makers only). YouTube, Property and Blogging.
Accountability Partnerships
Access to Dream Makers Community.
The Lunch Time Club
ALL FJA Masterclasses.
ALL FJA Courses.
Attend In-person Meetups
Secure payment via Visa, Mastercard, or American Express
*Prices do not include VAT.
Recurring payment
Hassle Free
Cancel any time
Everything in FJA PLUS
Advanced 1-hour Mastermind with Ken and Mary and a Group of people at the same more advanced level once a month. The focus here is on Growth and Scale. Pre-requisite is that people must have set their businesses up or making some money. They’ll get hot seats and learn advanced strategies.
Opportunity for a 15-minute “Pick My Brain” 121 Call with Ken or Mary once a month only on a Wednesday. (The member will submit a form with their query as part of their booking).
Secure payment via Visa, Mastercard, or American Express
*Prices do not include VAT.
Recurring payment
Hassle Free
Cancel any time
Save £78 (2 months free)
DIY access to all Courses and Masterclasses plus Step-by-Step Workbook Action Plan.
FJA Success Path Framework.
Secure payment via Visa, Mastercard, or American Express
*Prices do not include VAT.
Recurring payment
Hassle Free
Cancel any time
Save £98 (2 months free)
FJA Success Path Framework.
Group coaching calls every 2 weeks (plus backlog of previous coaching calls)
Community Masterminds (run by Dream Makers only). YouTube, Property and Blogging.
Accountability Partnerships
Access to Dream Makers Community.
The Lunch Time Club
ALL FJA Masterclasses.
ALL FJA Courses.
Attend In-person Meetups
Secure payment via Visa, Mastercard, or American Express
*Prices do not include VAT.
Recurring payment
Hassle Free
Cancel any time
Save £298 (2 months free)
Everything in FJA PLUS
Advanced 1-hour Mastermind with Ken and Mary and a Group of people at the same more advanced level once a month. The focus here is on Growth and Scale. Pre-requisite is that people must have set their businesses up or making some money. They’ll get hot seats and learn advanced strategies.
Opportunity for a 15-minute “Pick My Brain” 121 Call with Ken or Mary once a month only on a Wednesday. (The member will submit a form with their query as part of their booking).
Secure payment via Visa, Mastercard, or American Express
*Prices do not include VAT.
Recurring payment
Hassle Free
Cancel any time